Welcome to my brain

My brain is like my room, it’s a bit of an organised mess and I figure that’s what this blog will likely be like. That being said it’s generally an enjoyably place to inhabit 90% of the time, so I hope you’ll stay with me.

Why You’re Here:

To come along on the journey while we (myself, my little cousins and anyone else I drag into this) discover the hidden (or maybe not so hidden) gems around Sydney and review them.

Hopefully we’ll have a lot of fun on the journey too

These reviews will explore cost, ideal travel group, level of fun and occasionally the potential suitability for neuroatypical or special need children.

How I Got Here:

I’m a 23 year old who managed to get 5 years into a minimum 7 year psychology degree pathway before realising no matter how much I wanted to be Dr. Gaby Zagoridis, psychology just wasn’t for me.

However over the course of those 5 years I discovered a few other things about myself.

What I Learned:

  1. I love photography – mainly taking photos of other people, ideally strangers, when they don’t know I’m taking their photos. Photos of crowds are the best. I get a thrill out of seeing all the different lives and stories that can be captured in one frame.
  2. I enjoy helping children learn and watching the awe they experience about the world – to increase my chances of getting into the final stages of my post-grad psychology degree, I became an Applied Behaviour Analysis therapist and through this met two little girls with autism who were simultaneously the absolute cutest kids and the biggest troublemakers I’ve ever met. Working with them was exhausting at times but one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done.
  3. I don’t actually like children past the 5 hour mark – despite enjoying taking my little cousins to the zoo numerous times, having an endless supply of toys in my boot, countless babysitting hours under my belt and my current job in after-school care people are often surprised to learn I don’t actually like children after 5 hours. I’m more than happy to give them back to their parents at the end of the day. That being said for those five hours I aim to be the most involved and interesting babysitter they’ll ever have and give them an experience they’ll be talking about to their parents for the next few days (even if they don’t remember my name in those stories)

With these 3 facts in mind, I’ll be attempting to find, photograph and review, fun, awe-inspiring places to visit that ideally don’t exceed 5 hours (occasionally they do exceed this but the time the kids fall asleep in the car at the end of the day doesn’t really count). They’ll also not break the bank because as a 23 year old with an unreliable income spending lots of money is not in my wheelhouse.

So let’s see where this adventure takes us. Next stop Taronga Zoo.

See you there,


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